Data Science for Textile Industry
We are directed to use data science in many areas like marketing, finance, medicine, and more. So what about the textile industry? Do we need IT specialists for the textiles industry too? Here is the answer to what Data Science can do for Textile Industry.
In general, there are two main branches of data science: business data science and scientific data science. However, most people do not know what business data science is or how it works.
Scientific Data Science
Scientific data science is a branch of computer science that focuses on understanding complex scientific phenomena by using complex mathematical models based on computational methods.
Business Data Science
In business data science, people use advanced data mining techniques to find out the unique characteristics of human users from the behavior that they have been exposed to. In this field, there is a whole market which is called Business Intelligence. In this field, there are many different tools and techniques which are used to collect and analyze data from various sources.
Data science is not only for high-tech industries. You can also learn Data science from the textiles industry because the textile sector has a huge volume of data. There are three main uses of data science in the textile industry.
1. Predictive Maintenance for Textile Machines
Predictive Maintenance is the maintenance of machines and systems with the assistance of predictive analytics and preventative maintenance is a method which deals with maintaining such machines or equipment to improve their efficiency and performance by reducing breakdowns, failures, and defects.
2. Improving Quality Assessment of Textiles
There are many ways to improve the quality of textiles like Analyzing and profiling micro and macro flaws, color variation analysis, wear and tear assessment, etc. In this process, data science also plays a main role.
3. Improving Predictive Marketing Strategy for Textile Industry
Marketing is an essential part of any business. In the textile industry, Predictive Marketing strategies are very important to make a company successful in the industry. Data Science plays a major role in the Predictive Marketing strategy.
So here we can conclude that Data Science is not only for computer engineers but even in Textile Industry, there is a very important place for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Textile experts (seamstresses, designers, etc.) can use these tools to improve their work efficiency.
For example, if you are a designer then you can use data science to design better clothes because you will get many ideas from your success stories. If you are a seamstress then data science allows you to find out the common characteristics in your work and also helps in improving your sewing style.
In the textile industry, Data Science can help in different areas.
Structural Designers — Data Science allows them to design better structures.
Manufacturers — Data Science helps in enhancing your profit from product promotion and you can save time for maintaining products well.
Industrial Designers — data science helps in creating a beautiful range of products.
Fabric Designers — data science helps in finding out the potentiality of fabrics to make a better fabric look and feel.
Engineers — data science helps in creating a faster and more attractive product.
Marketing experts — Data science helps in analyzing and predicting the demand of products and allows you to successfully run your marketing activities.
Textile experts (seamstresses, designers, etc.) — data science helps in improving your job performance and also helps in designing better clothes.
In this way, you can find out that what the exact role of data science does for the textile industry.